Here’s where to register to Vote.
Absentee Ballots
We encourage our supporters to request absentee ballots.
Update your signature
Listen to Ion Sancho suggest that everyone update their signatues
Voting Integrity
We continue to be deeply concerned about the integrity of computer-based voting machines that offer no verifiable paper ballot. Consider taking an active local role in the fight for paper ballots by joining Voter Integrity Alliance of Tampa Bay.
Additionally, Vote Trust USA can keep you informed on efforts for paper ballots around the country.
Let’s demand that Congress enact law to ensure accessible and verifiable elections.
Additional Resources:
- Campaign to End Felony Disfranchisement
- The Voting Rights Act: Renew Restore
What You Can Do!
Sign up for email updates!
District 10
- District map
Important Links
- Declaration of Independence
- Constitution of the United States
- Bill of Rights